The Chistolas

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  • The Chistolas

Hey, what's up folks! Welcome to the show of The Chistolas, where laughter knows no borders! Here we bring you a bilingual spectacle that mixes humor in English and Spanish to make everyone laugh, you got it dude!

The Chistolas are a group of comedians who are not afraid to cross the line, and even less to mix languages in their humor. From bad jokes to crazy parodies, these buddies will make you laugh until tears come out of your eyes.

If you're tired of the same old stand-up, then come and see The Chistolas. We promise you won't regret it! This show is for the whole family, from the little ones to the grandparents!

So don't miss this once-in-a-lifetime experience. Buy your tickets now and come laugh with The Chistolas! See you at the show, homies!


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